Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Emma's 17th Birthday

Yesterday my oldest daughter turned 17. I can't believe how fast the time has flown! We celebrated by going to the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo (just what I would have wanted for my 17th birthday...not!). It was nice to be together with the whole family for the entire day. These times are becoming more and more rare. I am so grateful that all the girls still like us and are not too embarrassed to be seen with us.

We enjoyed a great rodeo and listening to some good western swing music as well. We had a great supper at Fireside Pies (we had never eaten there before) and were amazed at how hungry a day full of walking outside could make us.
Annalee obviously was not as entertained by the rodeo. She decided to add facial hair to every clean-shaven picture in the rodeo program. Pretty good work :)
The best joke of the rodeo: The clown pulled his oversized pants down around his knees and said:"look! I bought some mall-walking pants." Then he started running and asked, "What do you call this?...... An episode of Cops!" I loved it!!!